Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First SHOW!!!

Feral Kizzy's first show will be June 25th 2011

More details to COME!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Wild Child, full of grace, savor of the human race."

Natural child, terrible child, not your mother, or your fathers child. You're our child- screaming wild."

"Have you forgotten the keys to the kingdom?"

‎"I noticed that when people are joking they're usually dead serious, and when theyre dead serious its usually pretty funny."
"WHEN THE MUSICS OVER. turn out the light. turn out the light. turn out the light... THE MUSIC IS YOUR ONLY FRIEND, until the end."

"Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the house of detention."

"I'm gonna love you till the heavens stop the rain..
I'm gonna love you till the stars fall from the sky for you and I."


Egypt is on fire, and one half of the US is frozen. California will see a storm that will burst the levys.. so we're told. We are in a shithouse recession.. What are we supposed to do? We can go ahead and let the blood bleed, 'neurotisize' over all that we love, both in vein and in its purest forms.. but we shall NEVER allow ourselves to be guilty of a lousy representation... of misrepresenting our own manifestations.

Most of us seethe some sort of storm.. our levys burst... and still all over each other. It is stupid. Jim Morrison was fined for exploding/exploring/exposing/expressing on stage while his War Captain father was sending obedience missiles.. 'Keep your junk in your pants kid, or we'll send you to jail! Why can't you kill masses of people for our country like the rest of us??'

Everybody has a ROLE. The pure artist usually dies (of a broken will or heart) before they get to see everyone else catch on to the message... so the trend goes.

just thoughts,

"Nothing is as eternal as poetry and song." Jim Morrison

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cherokee Proverb

An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life...

He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One wolf is evil -- he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.

The other is good---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one you feed".

An article Papa Kirk sent to us

The Search for Myself
All the music I write is a search for myself.
— Bruce Hornsby

While writing my first book, I came upon a Buddhist text in which the author confessed, “I have no pretension that I am writing this book for any purpose other
than my own awak–ening. ” His candor struck a chord deep within me as I realized that I, too, write primarily for the healing of my own mind and spirit. Since then, I have spoken to countless creative artists who agree that even if no one else ever read their books, saw their paintings, or listened to their music, all of their efforts would be worth the sheer joy of producing the work.
For whom are your creative efforts directed? Do you write, sing, or dance for worldly approval, or are you hearkening to the inner writer, singer, or dancer calling to express and celebrate?
We teach what we need to learn. Sometimes teachers are reluctant to admit that they need to study what they are teaching, but that is the very reason we are in a particular position. In college, I learned a famous re–laxation technique developed by a renowned psychologist. My friend met the man and described him as “one of the most uptight people I have ever met. ” Was he a hypocrite? Not necessarily. If you teach what you have mastered, even while you’re learning more, you are in integrity. The tech–nique this man developed for his own healing helped many people who applied it.
Your right place is the one in which you are receiving the most edifi–cation. The fact that other people receive a benefit is the icing on the cake. Do what is healing to your spirit, and without effort you will offer the world healing in return.

Direct me to the work that will feed my soul,
that I may feed others.

I do what I love, and the world loves
what I do

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bye Bye Love. And other news.

First of all... we have to say farewell to our beloved drummer Vishal Goklani who will not be a part of Feral Kizzy any longer.. for he is venturing off to new lands. Although we will miss the living shit out of him... we cannot dispute a good solid adventure. Vishal is moving to Alaska.. all this time we never knew how much he loved fishing and Polar Bears. Peace be with you chiiild. I love you so much. You brightened my Mondays.

Second of all:
Check it, you kewl Kizzers.

And third of all:
As Johnny put it.. We are newly PROUD parents
of the Web domain:

FERALKIZZY.COM (its not ready yet, but its OURS!)

And for fun because I'm too lazy to go to the gym tonight, so I've got time to kill:
Check out this rawtarded picture of me taken six years ago- it almost says "Kizzy"

What in thaaa?!?!?

Shine on Kizzers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WE HAVE A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

F E R A L K I Z Z Y.
(Brenda likes that spacing effect) xoxo heheh!

November 1, 2010 Johnny and I were at Alex's Bar in Long Beach with some great pals when we first stumbled across the name.

Two member's of The Commotions; Marianne (singer), and Reuben (guitar, backup vocals), along with two of Long Beach's finest poets Anna Badua-Margrave and Clint Margrave were largely responsible for the discovery.. Drinks may or may not have been involved. The topic of pornstar name selection may or may not have been reviewed. Synonyms for "Ferocious," "Fierce," ect may or may not have been discussed. The time Anna, Marianne, and I threw lawn chairs in the air, and each other on the ground then ran at my college graduation party could have been touched upon.. I may or may not have been seeing a dude who I referred to as Tom Cat at the time, which sparked the whole "Feral Era" convo in the first place..

It was the first band name we fell hardest for.. Plus Kizzy is the name of my first cat..

Since then 2.5 months have past, several other names have been tossed around for safety sake, our rock n' roll family has grown, shrunk, grown, and shrunk... but we are still alive. Its the Neo-Family.. and these moments, and songs are our bebes... and this blog is the neo-scrapbook!

"Welcome to tha FUTAH" yes as quoted by Pauly Shore in Bio Dome, and yes... tis' a guilty pleasure. If you are nomadic at all... you're bound to get lonely.. these types of movies lighten things up a bit.. that's all. Heeyuck! ;P

Basically bottom line- its been a long time coming... and we've finally come to a consensus. HAIL HAIL!!

Two conclusions here: FERAL KIZZY & your friends are your barometers!

November 1, 2010; night of the naming!!
AND The Graduation party.. a break before we threw more lawn chairs!

Monday, January 3, 2011

In the form of Robots, Addams, Dancers, and Birds.

Our Rock N Roll Family

Johnny Lim: Lead Guitar, Sound Technician

Vishal Goklani: Drummer

Brenda Carsey: Keyboard, Backup Vocals

Candice Kirk: Vocals, Lyrics

One More Cup of Coffee cover


This is a Bob Dylan original. Johnny and I covered it in my Highland Park livingroom ala Caja Rojas. Legend suggests Wyatt Earp lived in this very house! Yeehaaw! The photo is Anjelica Huston and Jack Nicholson in the prime of their on and off again 20 year relationship. True Loves! Harvey Milk once stated "You will have many loves in your lifetime. But sometimes it is only till you grow older, when you know who were just great friends, and your true lovers.



This song is inspired by the 80's cult classic- Pretty in Pink. In my opinion Andie lost her god damned mind for choosing Blaine and not Duckie. What the hell? So I pretended that I stole him from her, and then I tell her she's lame.. I wrote it during a harsh bout of post traveler blues/ cabin fever. So its got that icy bite to it! hehe

Sally and The Emcee


This one is about my best friend from High School who is now referred to as Mss Vee the Emcee extraordinaire ala Supper Club San Francisco. A beautiful, mezmorizing performer with a gentle, silly, sweet soul! Its about growing up together as performers, and what it means to be an 'escape artist.' Our bond grew rapidly through the mutual desire to want to hide behind a performance. Something or someone told us it was not okay to be ourselves- so we instinctively channeled our senses through a 24 hour show. My older sister reffered to us as Frick and Frack. I've moved 3 times since Mss Vee and I lived in the same town.. Pictures of Mss Vee and I adorn my refrigerator, and bedroom wall still. We grew together.. and I continue to be inspired.

Life Associates


This song is written for all Life Associates. Again Jack and Anjelica.. It is song written for timeless bonds. Once lover, now great friend Adam.. he and I came up with the term 'Life Associates." Basically saying I'll crack a shovel over anyone's head if they hurt you, and you for me... hehe!! LAF!

22 A Month


About the justice of a friend... a story of epic proportions. As Warren Zevon sang 'Bring Lawyers Guns and Money.. The shit has hit the fan."



About my number one idol, muse, and inspiration.. Patti Smith. Thank you for your brilliance! She has dedicated her life to legacy by creation, peace by understanding, and a bad ass repertoire of punk, ballads, folk, ect.. I highly recommend reading her book 'Just Kids'... it will inspire you to fill in all that blank space in your gut and in your heart.

For an HBO Media Influence project for Stars (Stars is short for starving artist).

Bee Charmer


BeeCharmer; insired by the qoute "Edgie Thurgood you ain't nuthin but a bee charmer." From the movie Fried Green Tomatos after Edgie sticks her bare hand in a bee hive to get a honey comb for her friend. Its a song about reckless abandon, fearlessness, living in the moment, getting and giving what you want.



Aye!! This song is about people who almost have it all together. Its just that they're lacking one essential quality I require in a person- a decent fackin' attitude. Its basically a song about putting jerkoffs in their place- and it feels really good to perform.